No More Tomorrows, a short film written and produced by Mark, is now available on Amazon
Two Short Stories Have Been Published In An Anthology On Amazon
Two short stories written by Mark have won an international publishing competition and are now available on Amazon
New Short Film – The Survivor: A Tale From The Nearscape
The Survivor: A Tale From The Nearscape, is the third short film written and produced by Mark Renshaw in collaboration with director Christopher Carson Emmons, Producer Tom Hoover and Al Lougher.
New Table Read Added – The Attack
The Attack – A short story by Mark about a guy experiencing a traumatic panic attack has won a recorded table read which has been recorded and uploaded to Youtube
Atoll’s Edge – New Short Script
A new short script has been added to the scripts page. This one, is a Korean martial arts story with a twist!
New Short Film In Production – The Survivor
A new short film based on one of Mark’s script is in production – The Survivor