A new short story by Mark will be included in the SNAFU: Punk’d Anthology due out later this year
Sci-Fi and Horror Stories Published
Two of Mark’s short stories have been published in sci-fi and horror anthologies
Cyborn wins the Inroads Screenwriting Fellowship
Mark has won a prestigious screenwriting competition called the Inroads Screenwriting Fellowship for his script, ‘Cyborn’
New Short Film – The Survivor: A Tale From The Nearscape
The Survivor: A Tale From The Nearscape, is the third short film written and produced by Mark Renshaw in collaboration with director Christopher Carson Emmons, Producer Tom Hoover and Al Lougher.
New Short Film In Production – The Survivor
A new short film based on one of Mark’s script is in production – The Survivor
Brax’s Choice – A New Sci-Fi Tale Added To The Short Stories page
Brax’s Choice – A new Sci-Fi tale added to the Short Stories page